What Happens if You Mess Up While Uploading to an Ftp Server?

How to Gear up Up and Use QuFTP Service

  • Tutorial
  • Network & Security
  • Internet
  • Well-nigh QuFTP Service
  • Configuring FTP Server Settings
    • Configuring Full general FTP Server Settings
    • Configuring FTP Server Connexion Settings
  • Managing User Settings
    • Modifying User Business relationship Settings
    • Assigning User Groups to a User
    • Deleting a User
    • Managing FTP User Privileges
  • Managing User Group Settings
    • Creating a User Group
    • Modifying User Grouping Settings
    • Adding an FTP User to a User Group
    • Deleting a User Group
  • Managing Shared Binder Permissions
  • Managing QuFTP Service Rules
    • Creating an FTP Rule
    • Deleting an FTP Dominion
    • Setting Rule Priorities
  • Managing FTP Remote Connections
    • Creating an FTP Remote Connexion
    • Modifying Remote FTP Permissions
    • Deleting an FTP Client Remote Connection
  • Monitoring QuFTP Service Settings
    • Viewing Shared Folder Permissions
    • Viewing the QuFTP Service Data
    • Managing Logs

Nearly QuFTP Service

QuFTP Service is a built-in File Transfer Protocol (FTP) awarding that allows organization administrators to add and manage multiple FTP users and user groups, assign permissions to local and remote folders, and share local and remotely-mounted files across networks.

Configuring FTP Server Settings

Configure the FTP server to deeply transfer files across the network using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Ship Layer Security (TLS) protocols, and manage user access to FTP functions.

You can also define the bandwidth and connection limitations for user accounts and enable passive FTP to allow FTP clients to establish data connections.

Configuring General FTP Server Settings

  1. Open QuFTP Service.
  2. Become to .
  3. Select Enable the FTP server.

  4. Configure the FTP protocol settings.
    • FTP (Standard): Enable to use FTP with implicit SSL/TLS function. The server uses port 21 for secured and unsecured services.


      FTP (Standard) is enabled past default.

    • FTP with SSL/TLS (Explicit): Enable to apply FTP with explicit SSL/TLS functionality. Once the connexion is established, the server uses the configured SSL certificates and selected TLS configuration to secure the connection.

  5. Configure the FTP with explicit SSL/TLS settings.
    1. Click Configure SSL Certificates to update the SSL document.


      To configure the SSL certificates, see the SSL certificate installation section of the QTS User Guide.

    2. Select the TLS protocol version.

      Of import:

      Before selecting TLS 1.2 or later, ensure that all FTP clients back up TLS 1.2.

  6. Specify the FTP port number.


    Past default, FTP communications use port 21.

  7. Configure the SFTP and service binding settings.


    User Action

    Enable SFTP

    To configure SFTP, see the Telnet/SSH section of the QTS User Guide.

    Enable service bounden

    To configure service binding, run into the service bounden configuration section of the QTS User Guide.

  8. Configure additional FTP server settings.


    User Action

    Enable Unicode support

    Enable to allow the FTP server to support UTF-eight character encoding during file transfer.

    Enable anonymous access

    Enable to let users to admission the service without needing to log in.


    QNAP does non recommend using bearding FTP. Enabling this function permits whatsoever user to admission the FTP service without identification and could pose a security risk.

    Enable welcome message

    Enable to specify a bulletin that displays when FTP clients log in.

    1. Click Edit Message

    2. Specify the welcome message.

    3. Click Apply.

    Enable Mode Z pinch

    Enable to let the FTP clients to use the zlib software library to compress data transfers.

    Set root folder

    Enable to select the default FTP directory for FTP clients.


    To use this feature, you lot must first provide root folder access to all the FTP clients in .

    Alternatively, you can enable root folder access in .

    Enable FTP WORM (Write Once Read Many) function

    Enable to implement WORM permissions on specified folders.

    1. Click Select Folders.

      The Select WORM (Write Once Gear up Many) Folders window appears.

    2. Select the folders.

    3. Click Apply.


    WORM folders cannot exist erased or modified by FTP users.

  9. Configure alert notifications for selected folders.
    1. Beside Send out alarm messages when changes are detected within selected folders, click Select Folders.

      The Select folders to monitor window appears.

    2. Select the folders from the local volume.

      The folder path appears in the right console.


      Click to remove the selected folder.

    3. Specify the time interval to send out alerts.
    4. Click Utilise.
    5. Click Configure Notification Dominion.

      Notification Middle opens and the Create event notification dominion window appears.

    6. Configure the notification rules.

      For details, see the outcome notification creation section of the QTS User Guide.

  10. Click Apply.

QuFTP Service applies the settings and restarts.

Configuring FTP Server Connectedness Settings

  1. Open QuFTP Service.
  2. Go to .

  3. Configure the FTP connection limitations.
    1. Specify the maximum number of allowed FTP connections.
    2. Specify the maximum number of connections per FTP user.
  4. Configure the FTP speed limitations.


    User Action

    FTP transfer limitations

    1. Click Enable FTP transfer limitations.

      The FTP bandwidth settings become accessible.

    2. Specify the maximum upload rate.

    3. Specify the maximum download rate.

    Speed limitations

    1. Click Enable speed limitation for users and groups.

      The speed limitation settings go accessible.

    2. Click Speed Limits.

      The Speed Limits window appears.

    3. Select the FTP client type.

    4. Under Agile, select the user or user group checkbox.

    5. Specify the maximum upload and download charge per unit.

    6. Click Apply.

  5. Configure the passive FTP settings.


    The Use the default port range setting is enabled past default.

    The default passive FTP port range is 55536-56559.

    1. Select Define port range.
    2. Specify the passive FTP port range between 1025 and 65535.
    3. Select Answer with external IP address for passive FTP connection asking.


      Specify an external IP address only when the FTP server is behind the NAT configuration.

    4. Specify the external IP address.
  6. Click Apply.

QuFTP Service applies the settings.

Managing User Settings

An FTP business relationship allows users to access files on your device via FTP. You can create multiple users and also configure selective access to directories within the device domain. An FTP user tin can gain access to different FTP directories past being a member of multiple user groups. The admin user account is the default FTP user account. It can configure settings, create users, and install applications.

Of import:

  • You cannot delete the default user account.

  • Users can access the FTP directories only if FTP server is enabled in QuFTP Service and FTP privilege is enabled in Users. For details, come across:

    • Configuring General FTP Server Settings

    • Managing FTP User Privileges

  • FTP users practice not share the aforementioned privileges as a local QNAP user. FTP users are not provided application or service privileges in QuFTP Service.

  • FTP privileges are automatically enabled for all FTP users.

  1. Go to .

    The Users folio appears.

  2. Configure the settings.


    User Activeness

    Creating an FTP user

    1. Go to .

    2. Click .

      The Create an FTP User window appears.

    3. Configure the FTP user settings.

      The FTP user settings are identical to the QTS local user settings. To configure the FTP user settings, see the local user creation section of the QTS User Guide.


    FTP users can only admission the FTP server application. All other application privileges are blocked.

    To grant access to other applications, go to .

    Creating multiple users

    1. Go to .

    2. Click .

    3. Configure the multiple user settings.

      To configure the multiple user settings, see the multiple user creation section of the QTS User Guide.

    Importing users

    1. Get to .

    2. Click .

    3. Configure the import user settings.

      To import users and user groups settings, see the user import section of the QTS User Guide.

    Exporting users

    1. Become to .

    2. Click .

    3. Configure the export user settings.

      To export users and user groups settings, see the user export section of the QTS User Guide.

Modifying User Account Settings

  1. Go to .

    The Users page appears.

  2. Place a user.
  3. Under Activeness, click .

    The Edit Account Profile window appears.

  4. Specify the email address.
  5. Specify the phone number.
  6. Specify a user description that contains upwards to l characters.
  7. Edit the settings.


    The Edit Account Profile window provides the post-obit settings that are non included in the Create an FTP User window.


    User Action

    Disallow the user to modify password

    Select to prevent the user from changing the password.

    Disable this account

    Select to disable the user account. You tin can either select to disable the account Now or specify an Expiry Appointment.

  8. Assign FTP rules to the user account.
    1. Enable Apply rule from Rules Engine.
    2. Select the FTP rule from the drop-downwardly list.
  9. Click OK.

QuFTP Service updates the user business relationship information.

Assigning User Groups to a User

You can assign multiple user groups to a user business relationship to better file admission.

  1. Go to .

    The Users page appears.

  2. Place a user.
  3. Click .

    The Edit User Grouping window appears.

  4. Select the user groups.
  5. Click Utilize.

QuFTP Service assigns the selected user groups to the user.

Deleting a User

  1. Go to .

    The Users page appears.

  2. Identify a user.
  3. Beside the username, click .
  4. Click Delete.

    A confirmation message appears.

  5. Click OK.

QuFTP Service deletes the user.

Managing FTP User Privileges

  1. Go to .
  2. Select a method for changing the FTP access.
    1. Abreast the username, click .
    2. Click FTP Privilege.

    3. Change the FTP access for the selected users.


      User Action


      Select to enable FTP privilege


      Select to disable FTP privilege

    1. Place an FTP user.
    2. Modify the FTP admission for the user.


      User Action

      Click to provide FTP access to the user

      Click to deny FTP admission to the user

QuFTP Service updates the FTP privilege.

Managing User Group Settings

User groups allow you to assign permissions and control access for multiple user accounts simultaneously.


  • User groups can admission the FTP directories just if FTP server is enabled in QuFTP Service. For details, encounter Configuring General FTP Server Settings.

  • User groups practise not share the aforementioned privileges as local QNAP user groups. FTP users are not provided application and service privileges in QuFTP Service.

QuFTP Service has two default user groups.

User Grouping



Users in this group can configure settings, create users, and install applications. You cannot delete this group.


Users in this group can only view and modify files. This group contains all local FTP user accounts and can be used to grant shared folder permissions to all local FTP user accounts. Y'all cannot delete this group.

Creating a User Group

  1. Go to .

    The Groups page appears.

  2. Click Create.

    The Create FTP User Group window appears.

  3. Specify the User grouping proper noun.

    Name requirements:

    • Length: 1–128 characters

    • Valid characters: A–Z, a–z, 0–9

    • Valid multibyte languages: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian

    • Valid special characters: Hyphen (-)

  4. Optional: Specify a description that contains a maximum of 128 characters.
  5. Optional: Add users to the user group.
    1. Under Assign users to this group, click Edit.
    2. Select one or more than users.
  6. Optional: Specify shared folder permissions for the user group.
    1. Under Edit shared folder permissions, click Edit.
    2. Select the permissions for each shared folder.

  7. Click Create.

QuFTP Service creates the user group.

Modifying User Group Settings

  1. Go to .

    The Groups page appears.

  2. Identify a user group.
  3. Under Action, click .

    The Edit Group Details window appears.

  4. Specify a description that contains upwardly to 128 characters.
  5. Assign FTP rules to the user group.
    1. Enable Apply rule from Rules Engine.
    2. Select an FTP rule from the drop-down listing.
  6. Click Use.

QuFTP Service updates the user group information.

Adding an FTP User to a User Group

  1. Go to .

    The Groups page appears.

  2. Identify a user group.
  3. Click .

    The Edit User Groups window appears.

  4. Select the FTP users.
  5. Click Apply.

QuFTP Service adds the selected users to the user group.

Deleting a User Group

  1. Go to .

    The Groups folio appears.

  2. Identify a user grouping.
  3. Beside the username, click .
  4. Click Delete.

    A confirmation bulletin appears.

  5. Click OK.

QuFTP Service deletes the user group.

Managing Shared Folder Permissions

You can assign permissions to admission shared folders for both users and user groups.



Read Only (RO)

The FTP user or user group can view files in the shared binder.

Read/Write (RW)

The FTP user or user group can add, delete, alter, and view files in the shared folder.


If an FTP user creates a shared link to a folder they no longer have RW permissions to, anyone with that shared link cannot access the folder.


The FTP user or user group cannot access the shared binder.

FTP Write-Simply

The FTP user or user grouping tin can add, delete, and overwrite files in the shared folder. View-only admission to the folder contents is allowed, and FTP users and user groups are prohibited from reading or editing the file contents.


  • This option is accessible only if the Read/Write (RW) permission is enabled.

  • If y'all enable FTP write-only on a WORM-enabled shared binder, users and user groups cannot read the files in the shared folder.

    For details on WORM configuration, meet Configuring General FTP Server Settings

Configure shared folder permissions for users and user groups.


User Activity

Edit user permissions for the shared folders

  1. Become to .

  2. Identify an FTP user.

  3. Click .

    The Edit Shared Folder Permission window appears.

  4. Specify the permissions for the user.

  5. Click Apply.

Edit user group permissions for the shared folders

  1. Go to .

  2. Identify a user group.

  3. Click .

    The Edit Shared Folder Permission window appears.

  4. Specify the permissions for the user group.

  5. Click Apply.

QuFTP Service updates the shared binder permissions.

Managing QuFTP Service Rules

Y'all can configure rules for the FTP server by controlling the times during which the server is accessible, adding digital watermarks to files in a binder, and limiting FTP users access just to the designated root directory.

Creating an FTP Rule

  1. Become to .

    The Rules Engine page appears.

  2. Click Create.

    The Create Rule window appears.

  3. Specify the FTP rule name.
  4. Optional: Configure the FTP folder access hours.
    1. Enable Restrict access hours.
    2. Click Set Hours to specify a timeframe.

      The Access Hours window appears.

    3. Select the hours during which the FTP folders are inaccessible.
      • : The FTP folders can be accessed by the FTP users.

      • : The FTP folders cannot be accessed past the FTP users.

    4. Click Apply.

    QuFTP Service applies the schedule.

  5. Limit access to an access folder.
    1. Enable Limit access to simply FTP root folder.
    2. Select the root folders.
  6. Configure the watermark settings.
    1. Enable Automatically insert watermarks into uploaded pictures and videos.

      You lot tin add digital watermarks to the following file formats.




      BMP, GIF (non-animated .gif files), JPEG, PNG, TGA, TIFF



    2. Click Edit.

      The Watermark Settings window appears.

    3. Select a watermark option.


      User Action

      Add text watermark

      1. Specify the watermark text.

      2. Select the font and background color.

      Add image watermark

      1. Click Select image.

      2. Select from the following:

        • From the NAS

        • From your computer

      3. Select the image from the NAS local book or your figurer.

      4. Click Open up.

        The image appears on the preview pane.

      Of import:

      • You tin use the post-obit file formats for the digital watermarks: BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG

      • Maximum file size: 2 MB

    4. Adjust the watermark opacity.
    5. Adjust the watermark proportion.
    6. Specify the watermark placement.




      The watermark is placed at 1 of the pre-defined positions


      The watermark is dragged and dropped on any location on the file


      The watermark is repeated horizontally and vertically

    7. Click Salve.

      QuFTP Service updates the watermark.

    8. Select the source folder to apply the watermark settings.
    9. Select the destination folder to apply the migrated watermark settings.
  7. Click Add.

QuFTP Service creates the FTP rule.

Deleting an FTP Dominion

  1. Go to .

    The Rules Engine page appears.

  2. Identify the FTP rule.
  3. Click beside the rule name.
  4. Click Delete.

    A confirmation bulletin appears.

  5. Click OK.

QuFTP Service deletes the FTP rule.

Setting Rule Priorities

FTP rules are prioritized in the guild they are listed; yous can alter the dominion priority by adjusting the social club.

  1. Go to .

    The Rules Engine page appears.

  2. Identify a rule.
  3. Configure the FTP priority.


    User Action

    Click to move the dominion up in priority.

    Click to motion the rule downwards in priority.

QuFTP Service automatically applies the rule priority.

Managing FTP Remote Connections

QuFTP Service allows arrangement administrators to create and manage FTP directories on remote servers.

Creating an FTP Remote Connection

  1. Go to .

    The Remote Connections page appears.

  2. Click Create.

    The Create remote mount window appears.

  3. Specify the graphic symbol encoding code page.
  4. Specify a domain name or IP accost of the remote host.
    1. Click Scan.

      QuFTP Service scans and updates the domain name of the remote host.

  5. Specify a port number.


    The default value of the FTP port is 21 or 22 (if SFTP is enabled).

  6. Configure login settings.
    • Enable Anonymous login.


      Anonymous login is available only if the remote host you are accessing has established an anonymous FTP server.

    • Specify the username and password of the remote host.
  7. Configure the destination folder settings.
    • Mountain direct: Enable to mount the remote host directly on to your FTP server.

    • Mount specific binder: Enable to mount the remote host on to a specific binder.

  8. Specify a remote connexion name.
  9. Click Create.

QuFTP Service creates the remote connection.

Modifying Remote FTP Permissions

  1. Go to .

    The Remote Connections folio appears.

  2. Place a remote connection.
  3. Click .

    The Edit Remote FTP Permissions window appears.

  4. Add users and user groups.
    1. Click Add.

      The Select users and groups window appears.

    2. Select the type of user or user grouping from the drop-down list.
    3. Edit the user's permission.
    4. Click Add together.

      The window closes.

  5. Edit the invitee access permission.
  6. Edit the access permission of the existing users and groups.
  7. Click Utilise.

QuFTP Service applies the modified settings to the remote connection.

Deleting an FTP Customer Remote Connection

  1. Go to .

    The Remote Connections page appears.

  2. Identify a remote connectedness.
  3. Beside the remote folder name, click .


    Select i or more remote connections by clicking the checkbox beside the remote binder name.

  4. Click Delete.

    A confirmation message appears.

  5. Click OK.

QuFTP Service deletes the remote connection.

Monitoring QuFTP Service Settings

QuFTP Service allows you to view online FTP sessions, user and group permissions to monitor binder access, and upshot logs to diagnose application issues.

Viewing Shared Binder Permissions

Yous tin can review folder permissions for specific users or user groups in QuFTP Service.

  1. Select a user or user group to view the binder access permissions.
    • On the left panel, get to .
    • On the left console, go to .

    The list of bachelor users or user groups displays.

  2. Identify a user or user grouping.
  3. Click .

    The Folder Admission Permissions window appears.

    You lot can review the post-obit data:

    • Folder name

    • Applied permissions to the folder

    • Binder source

      • Local volume

      • HybridMount

  4. Click Close.

Viewing the QuFTP Service Information

The QuFTP Service Overview screen shows a dashboard with the online FTP users and their information, the number of online FTP sessions, and the overall data transfer charge per unit.

The Overview screen has four main areas.





Server proper noun and status

Displays the NAS name and FTP status.


Monitoring screen

Displays the number of online FTP user sessions and the data transfer rate.


Online sessions

Displays the following information:

  • User: Displays the FTP user names

    Login Time: Displays the login information of the online FTP users

  • Source IP: Displays the IP accost of the online FTP users

  • Upload Speeds: Displays the upload speed data of the online FTP users

  • Download Speeds: Displays the download speed information of the online FTP users

  • Applied Rules: Displays the rules applied to the online FTP users


Depending on the FTP user settings, some fields may be empty.


Viewing mode

Displays the Overview screen in the following modes:

  • List view

  • Map view

Managing Logs

QuFTP Service records deportment that are performed inside the awarding. You lot tin can view and filter both awarding access and event logs.

  1. Get to Logs.
  2. Select from the following logs.

    • Organisation Event Logs

    • Arrangement Access Logs

  3. Perform any of the following tasks.


    Possible User Actions

    Filter the logs

    Click All severity levels to filter the logs based on the post-obit severity levels:

    • Information

    • Alert

    • Error

    Search log contents

    Click Content Search to enter a specific log keyword.


    Click to clear the search field contents.

QuFTP Service performs the specified action.

Terminal modified date: 2021-12-xiii

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Source: https://www.qnap.com/en/how-to/tutorial/article/how-to-set-up-and-use-quftp-service

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